She acknowledges the brutal persecution that people face when they bear the name of Jesus Christ in countries other than America. Jobes' states that where there is no strong repercussions for being a Christian there is a principal that remains; a person may choose to suffer or to sin.
A lie can save embarrassment or job loss, but the truth would bring economic or emotional suffering. Addictions bring temporary relief and numbness, but soberly facing the facts is filled with pain. A physical relationship with no commitments will momentarily remove loneliness and depression, but keeping a pledge of purity is difficult.
1 Peter 4:1-2Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2 As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
What ways will you choose suffering over sin today?