In the family waiting room, I heard comments sharing that the joy of new birth is short lived and the remainder of child-raising is a series of troubled experiences. They shared stories of colicky babies, terrible two's, awful adolescents and truant teenagers.
My wife and I heard all the child raising horrors and chose to believe that God had a different plan. With our five children, we loved every stage of development. Not everything was perfect, but God was telling us the truth when He said His plans for us were good.
God gives us what we want. If we believe child-raising will be horrible and choose not to believe God's good plans, He lets us have it our way.
Psalms 81:12
So I let them follow their own stubborn desires,
living according to their own ideas.
2 Keys to believing different.
1. Know that God's ways work.
2. Do life God's way.