The course was a beautiful trail throughout Theodore Wirth Park. However, what was not beautiful was the 1000 feet of elevation change over the course of the run. One particular stretch was named "Stairway to Heaven". It did not seem bad until I saw that where it leveled off it rose up another stretch, then another stretch and another stretch and yet another stretch.
Some of the course was a mountain bike trail, only wide enough for a single file of runners. Some of the course was on a ski hill and other parts on cross country ski trails.
I made the best time I have ever done in a half-marathon only because it is the ONLY half-marathon I have run. After 1:59:10 seconds of running I was exhausted. I rested the remainder of the day and am still sore three days later.
Meanwhile, there are still children in Rwanda, Ethiopia, and throughout the world that are walking miles to get water. The closest water they fetch is muddy and will be used for washing and non-cooking uses. They walk further to get "clean" water. It is not muddy, but is unsanitary and brings sickness to their families.
I did a big thing one Saturday. Children that should be in school learning or playing games with other children are placed into adult responsibilities as soon as they are old enough to gather wood, carry water or watch over younger siblings.
They are my heroes.
They are why I ran and why people gave.
I will run again next year. In the meanwhile, what can you and I do?
1. Support someone raising funds for a worthy cause.
2. Support a child through child sponsorships offered by World Vision, Compassion International and other relief agencies.
3. Give a micro-loan to a third-world entrepreneur through, World Vision or other agencies.
4. Pray for the 19,000 families who loose a child every day through preventable causes such as lack of clean water, adequate food, vaccinations or education.
Matthew 6:9-10
“This, then, is how you should pray:“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name,
10 Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.