Reviews have stated that it does not drift too far from the Bible and others report that it is not biblically accurate. Should a follower of Jesus go to a movie that is from the Bible, but does not accurately represent or interpret the Bible?
I plan on going for a couple of reasons:
>I am curious.
>The movie does not mock or blaspheme the Bible.
>Most importantly, it can be conversation points with those who are far from God that have or have not gone to this movie.
Some of my grown children have seen the movie, Noah. They told me what they liked and did not like about the movie. Without spoiling the movie, they liked that it showed that the world had become very wicked. God was right in judging it with a flood. They noticed that the movie only had one of the son’s wife on the ark instead of all three sons and their wives.
So, I plan on going to the movie, how about you?
Why or why not?