Various groups are trying to discover the source or motives that can cause a person to bring harm to so many people in such a callously, random manner. Gun opponents blame the ability to purchase and own guns. Violent movie opponents blame the movie that was making its’ midnight debut. Violent video game opponents blame video games that create realistically violent images.
Each of us has a strong drive to fix blame in a certain area and it helps form an understanding of a situation that seems senseless.
The blame could go back to Adam and Eve who brought the stain of sin to humanity through their disobedience to God. The blame could be placed on the devil whose rebellious influence brought Adam and Eve to choose disobedience. The blame could be placed upon God, who chose to give humankind free will rather than robotic, abject worship and obedience. God’s love for humankind compelled Him to allow us the ability to choose to obey or not to obey; to enjoy a night at the movies or to cause incredible harm.
God comes to give life and the devil comes to take life.
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Who do you think is to blame for the Aurora, Colorado tragedy?