A frequently asked question to God is, “Why?”.
Why did this accident happen?
Why is this relationship not working?
Why is my friend or family member suffering?
Why did they die so young?
People feel compelled to tend to give an answer in an effort to bring comfort, but often give a wrong answer. Wrong answers include: “God is punishing you”, “You do not have enough faith” “God is bringing suffering so you realize that you need Him to help you” and “God ended their life because He needed help in heaven.”
You are most likely to ask God, “Why?” during a crisis in your life. There are no good answers other than understanding that our world has a sin stain that goes back to Adam and Eve. Because of sin and the free choices of humankind, bad things happen to good people. Even this does not answer why God has chosen to step into our world and directly make changes by healing or resolving in a direct manner.
During a crisis, the answer God has for you is what He wants you to do or in response to the situation. The best question during a crisis is “what?”.
“What do you want me to do, Lord?”
“What do you want me to learn about you?”
“What do you want me to be in response to this?”
“What, Lord?”
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.