1. God’s voice
2. Our voice
3. Satan’s voice
God speaks to us and we can doubt whether it is just our own thoughts and ambitions instead of the Lord’s. Sometimes we confuse our voice as the voice of God and believe God is directing us, when in reality it is our own ambition. Satan’s voice is cunning, condemning and corrupt. We need to know which voice is truly speaking.
God’s voice is loving, encouraging and convicting, but never condemning to a true follower.
Your voice and my voice can be prideful or critical. It can be confused as God’s or Satan’s voice.
Satan’s voice can use portions and principles of the Bible like he did with Eve in the garden of Eden.
Asking the Holy Spirit for truthful discernment will clarify voices.
Asking a mature Christian will bring wise counsel and clarity.
Scripture can confirm which voice is speaking.
What have you found helpful to determine which voice you are hearing.
John10:27 (NIV)
My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.