I talked to an appliance repair person about what may be wrong with the refrigerator. The first question asked was the age of the appliance. 16 years. We bought it new 16 years ago, so it still seems new to me. The truth was shared to me that the normal life span of an appliance is 12 years. Of course I think things should last forever or until Jesus returns, whichever comes first. It was explained to me that the cost of repair would exceed the value of our appliance.
My wife I and just paid off a new furnace. The old furnace was as old as the refrigerator. We began saving for a refrigerator and decided to buy a new scratch and dent or a used refrigerator. I was passively looking online for used appliances.
Two days I heard a strange noise in our kitchen. Actually, it was not a noise, but a strange silence. The refrigerator that never stops running stopped running. My wife is gone this week with some friends at a cabin, so I was handling the panic alone. It did start up again, but my intensity of searching for a new/used refrigerator stepped up to a new level. A couple emails, a couple phone calls, a trip to look, an offer, a counter-offer and we have a refrigerator.
A friend helped me unload and bring it into our home. The plan was to take a couple days to transfer food from one to the other and be proud to show off the replacement fridge when my wife returned. She had given approval, having seen a picture of the fridge before she left.
This morning the fridge was running, but the ice had melted. I was very thankful that a transfer was able to be quickly made.
I am glad I have not treated my relationship with Jesus Christ like I treated our dying refrigerator. Each of us is constantly running, but our performance is not making it and at some point in time we will die like our furnace, our fridge and everything else in this world.
Accidents and health issues cause people to intensify their spiritual search. The Lord is ready and waiting for us to reach out to Him. There is no bartering for a price because He paid it all. Make the switch before it is too late.