Stories and the words used to tell them are powerful. I asked our church if they knew the theme song from Brady Bunch. They not only knew it, they sang it! Even the younger generation knew the song. The Brady Bunch theme song tells the story each episode of the two families coming together as one family.
Jesus is the greatest story teller. Some of the most striking and intense stories Jesus told were of people just like you and me.
>A business owner needed some work done, so he hired people for the day.
>A woman was standing in her kitchen one day, baking homemade loaves of bread.
Every person alive has a story and it is awesome when we realize our stories fit into God’s greater story.
>I can be found like a lost son.
>I can be cared for by a Good Shepherd too.
>My deepest needs – like the sick person – can actually be met.
>I can receive abundant life just by having the tiniest amount of faith.
What if you were asked why you go to church and pray so often? How would you answer? This is defining moment. We should be able to answer naturally, sincerely, and with clarity in a space of about 45 seconds.
1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…
Our goal is to learn how to tell God’s story and your story well. When telling God’s story, pictures often work best. A simple drawing which shows people at one end of a canyon and God at the other end illustrates that corrupt and imperfect humanity is separated from a perfect and holy God. The only way to reach God is through the cross of Jesus Christ.
Every follower of Jesus has a before and after story. Before I met Jesus, I was this way. Now that I have met Jesus I am this way.
“I was striving … but now I’m grateful.”
“I was self-destructive … but now I’m healthy.”
“Guilty, but now liberated.”
“Fear-stricken, but now confident.”
“Despairing, but now hopeful!”
Keys to telling your faith story well:
>Search your heart and soul to firm up a three point foundation of your story
1. Key word or concept describing you before Jesus
2. Fact that you came into a relationship with Jesus
3. Key word or concept describing you after walking with Jesus
My story:
I was a lonely, heart-broken boy who lied and was mean to my brothers and sisters. I knew I needed Jesus, but thought He would have me go to Africa or do stuff that I would not like. I guess I doubted that He was good and loving.
I finally accepted Him into my life, wanting to have my sin gone even if it meant Africa!
I have discovered Jesus wants the best for my life, He is my closest friend, my loneliness is gone, I have gone to Africa and it was the best experience!
96 words
Write your ‘Before I met Jesus – After I met Jesus’ story in 100 words or less. I believe you will have opportunities this week to point someone to Jesus this week.
“If you speak in a way no can one understand, what’s the point of opening your mouth?” 1 Corinthians 14:9 (The Message)