Volf points to the biblical parable of the unjust actions of the father receiving back his prodigal son and have a great celebration after the son had wasted half of his inheritance. The father was not interested in justice. He valued his restored relationship with his son. The other son who was reliable, dedicated and stayed home working was upset with the injustice of his father.
The parable is a story to show how God’s injustice can make us upset like the faithful brother in the parable. Do you find yourself upset when someone gets off easy for their wrongs? Perhaps you have been like the son that lived wildly, hit bottom and humbly came back to his father. You are grateful that God’s grace surpassed justice.
Isaiah 5:16
But the Lord Almighty will be exalted by His justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by His righteous acts.
What do think about God’s injustice?