A person could expend 10 hours over a single game; now that is tremendous dedication and passion! The ultra dedicated and passionate will be at Indianapolis Lucos Oil Stadium watching the game live. The average ticket price for the Feb 5 game is $3664. with at least one ticket sold last week on NFL's official ticket resale site for $16,480.
We give our time and money to the things we are passionate about.
Jesus was passionately praying to His Father, but the disciples were cutting zzz's. Mark 14:37 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon,” he said to Peter, “are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour?
Jesus was having Peter evaluate his passion level.
I keep a daily planner and I can look where I spend my time. Exercising, studying, meetings, visiting, and fixing broken things around the home. With tax time coming, I can look at categories that answers the question of where does all our money go to.
I would have a challenging time returning home from Lucas Oil Stadium telling my wife who won the game and why we have $16480. less to our name and nothing to show for it.
The big question for you and I to ask is, "Does my investment of time and money really go where it makes a difference in our world?"