Some understand this journey as a single event at start of Christian life. Going forward at a Billy Graham crusade, responding to an alter call, raising your hand at a bible camp retreat, or praying the sinner's prayer are examples of a single event where you journeyed from being a non-Christian to Christian. You would use words like: I was saved on such and such day.
Others view this journey as a process continuing throughout the Christian life. There was a point of time when you either opposed God or did not believe in Him. Later in life, you became curious and began to research or discover Jesus. There were circumstances that caused you to believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit just might be real. At some point you crossed the line from not believing to believing; from being a non-Christian to being a Christian. You cannot point to a single event or day, but rather it was a progression that took place over many days, months or even years. You would use words like: I was being saved.
Looking back over you life you may see your journey to Jesus as a series of points:
Perhaps it would look more like a series of discontinuous processes:
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Others see it as a series of overlapping processes; not disconnected, but overlapping.
What does your spiritual journey to Jesus look like?