Sandord writes, “It doesn’t take a prophet to point out that our nation is in trouble and that the trouble we’re facing won’t go away anytime soon.” He lists crisis points in the history of the United States where God provided great men and women to lead our nation through the crisis. Our nation has not always lived out fully godly values, but it did acknowledge God and His place in our nation at cultural and governmental levels.
Currently, our court decisions, laws, and policies reveal that we no longer truly respect or follow the Lord. I appreciate Sandford’s caution, “Yet this is not a time for Christians to attempt to exert influence through shrill, judgmental and angry statements.” People already know what we are against.
I get too many emails forwarded that use fear and slander to either fuel blame at our current president, battle for the need to post the Ten Commandments in public places as the solution for our spiritual drift, and rallying Christians for a marriage amendment vote that will keep our nation from embracing homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle.
I agree with the need for holiness in our nation, but somehow we got it wrong. Legislating holiness does not work. The Ten Commandments did not make the nation of Israel more holy. I agree with Sandford’s new “kingdom” plan based on blessing, serving and prophetic wisdom.
The lives of Joseph, Daniel and his three friends from the Bible are examples of influence by means of blessing, serving and prophetic wisdom. You have an opportunity at this point in history of being Josephs and Daniels at the places of influence God has positioned you.
Do you think Sandford’s plan will work?