MSN.com reports,"The storm, which started with a solar flare Tuesday evening, caused a stir Wednesday because forecasts were for a strong storm with the potential to knock electrical grids offline, mess with GPS and harm satellites. It even forced airlines to reroute a few flights on Thursday. It was never seen as a threat to people, just technology, and teased skywatchers with the prospect of colorful northern lights dipping further south.
But when the storm finally arrived around 6 a.m. ET Thursday, after traveling at 2.7 million mph, it was more a magnetic breeze than a gale. The power stayed on. So did GPS and satellites."
Read more at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46668792/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/earth-weathers-solar-storm-turned-out-be-so-so/#.T1oE_XmDmSo
There is an unseen world of magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, and radiation disturbances that you and I could see if we had the right equipment. Many of us saw the effect the solar storm had on the northern lights. There is an unseen world that interacts and has affect on the seen world everyday.
If you embrace the beliefs found in the Bible, you believe there is an unseen spiritual world that given the proper equipment of discernment, you could see. While the activity is not seen, the effects of the spirit world is clearly seen. The level of wickedness in our world is the effect sin has on humankind and creation. The level of goodness in our world is the effect God's love and forgiveness has on humankind and creation.
Sometimes we see more clearly when we get away from the distractions and spend time in quietness and solitude with the Lord.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
What effects do you see in our world? Click and comment here.