During great celebrations in the story is the Sacred Flames which reveal the true character of a person. Unassuming people are seen as brave warriors because their courageous character. People who are outwardly important are seen clothed in rags during revealing because of their lack of character.
Camping together has a revealing effect. True character is displayed, tents are not sound proof, and our outer adornments are limited or non-existent. Our church family is camping together for three days and we will see one another in a truer light. It is too easy to wear a mask for a couple hours each Sunday. Spending 72 hours together in a primitive environment has a way of thinning any masks that may have been worn. Even without masks, you know one another in a deeper, truer way.
Mission trips have the same effect only better because you are spending more days or week together. Some are comfortable with who they are and being seen in a more raw environment is not a big deal. Others are not comfortable or even fearful. They are concerned that people would not accept them if knew them more clearly.
Jesus spent three years living 24/7 with his disciples. They saw Him in the early morning with “bed hair” and “morning breath”. Authentic relationships with others is an important aspect of kingdom living.
How would you feel about spending 24/7 with your church family for three days at a campground?
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