The responses range from sadness to gladness to questions of who will likely replace him. Key issues facing the next pope are contraception use, sexual abuse within the church, homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and women's place in the Catholic Church. Now who wants to be the next Pope?
The history of our non-denominational church has viewed the Catholic Church negatively. The high archical structure goes against what we believe in the book of Hebrews; that Jesus is our high priest. We confess our sins to Jesus and receive forgiveness through Him.
Most of us were not aware that church history had many false beliefs and sects forming. There was a need for accurate interpretation of Scripture and proper application of Christian living. The Roman church created a structure to preserve truth.
Whenever humankind creates a culture it risks creating controls that exceed what is only proper for God alone. Non-denominational churches had a period of time during the 1970’s when leaders made most of the decisions for those in their churches. They recognized their wrong and have repented of this sin of control.
May the Lord use the next pope to lead the Catholic Church to worship and please God. May all of our churches become purer by the power of the Holy Spirit as we serve Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 3:1
Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.