Just before Christmas, our church received a beautiful poinsettia from a business in the community. I noticed its leaves wilting and realized it was not getting watered enough. Each day I give it one cup of water and one cup to the Boston fern we have.
The Boston fern can never get enough water, but the poinsettia can. Last week, I noticed the soil of the poinsettia was quite wet. It had not gotten any drier this week. Upon lifting up the inner pot I discovered the outer pot was half full of water!
Over time, that one cup flooded the plant.
Best steps to take care of the flood of to-do's:
1. Share your flood.
Tell the owner, manager, supervisor, spouse or friend. Your direct charge in your workplace may be unaware of the flood. They can help with ideas, encouragement, strategy and/or help with the flood.
2. Make a plan.
Nobody plans to fail, but the lack of a plan will lead to failure. Prioritize the tasks as most urgent, able to delegate, able to defer, able to do it in a day, on hold - waiting for..., etc. Once prioritized, you have a clearer sense of next steps.
3. Work the plan.
Tasks that can be accomplished in a short amount bring an immediate success and gain momentum for further successes. Some tasks require other members to accomplish. Work the plan each day and you will see the flood subside!
Psalms 29:10-11
10 The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
11 The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace.