“What a day for Minnesota!” Dayton, a Democrat, declared moments before putting his signature on a bill. “And what a difference a year and an election can make in our state.” Echoing those sentiments was State Rep. Karen Clark and Sen. Scott Dibble, who are both openly gay.
Rainbow and American flags flapped in a sweltering breeze during the ceremony, held on the Capitol’s south steps. The crowd, estimated by the State Patrol at 6,000, spilled down the steps and across the lawn toward downtown St. Paul.
The comments to articles and blogs often include harsh interchanges among those who are celebrating the decision and those who oppose. Opponents to this bill are viewed as bigots, haters, homophobes, and warped. Reading some of their comments, I agree that some may be exactly so.
Those who believe marriage is between one man and one woman often base it upon the teaching in the bible. The bible is a written record of God’s revelation of who He is and how He wants us to relate to Him and each other. Throughout the bible are commands and principles that are given because they are best for our lives. Honesty, kindness, purity and love are qualities that bring success to relationships.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
It is very clear that the bible records that God opposes homosexuality in the same way He opposes divorce, stealing, and injustice. Same-sex marriages do not promote healthy relationships. Studies at John Hopkins University School of Public Health, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sexual profiles published in the Journal of Sex Research, studies in the Journal of Clinical Pathology, reports from the Sexually Transmitted Disease Information Center of the Journal of American Medical Association, studies in the American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychologists articles, and findings of the Journal of Social Service Research report the negative consequences of homosexual relationships. Negative effects include: multiple partners, short commitments, high health risks, compulsive behaviors, high violence in gay relationships, high suicide rates, and reduced life span.
The bill legalizing gay marriages has major implications for our medical community, insurance companies, law enforcement, family counselors, schools, and work places. All studies, research, and statistical reports indicate that this bill will increase pain, suffering and brokenness to the GLBT community. And for that, I am grieved.
God has His best for us and His ways work. The passage of this bill does not anger me. It saddens me.