Our church is going through Bill Hybols’ series, “Just Walk Across the Room”. Hybols states that we live in 2D if we don’t add God’s perspective to the mix.
Last week we learned that the single greatest gift followers of Jesus Christ can give to the people in their lives is an introduction to the God who created them, who loves them, and who has a purpose for their days. Giving the greatest gift involves:
>Entering the Zone of the Unknown
>Hearing the Promptings of the Holy Spirit
>Just Walk
Just walking is one thing, but what do I do once I have walked across the room? During my school years, I had a crush on almost every girl in my class. I was on the team bus returning from a JV football team. The players were towards the back with our sweaty football gear still on and the JV cheerleaders were towards the front. The girl I had a crush on that month was one of the cheerleaders and she was sitting alone! After many minutes of building up my courage, I finally got up and sat next to her. I must have said, “Hi” or something, but I do not think I said anything else the entire trip! I was in my own little “Zone of the Unknown”.
Living in 3D encourages those of us who are following Jesus to learn how to reach out to others effectively once they find themselves standing in the Zone of the Unknown! Awkward first meetings can grow into transformational friendships by tuning in to the Holy Spirit and by choosing to Live in 3D:
Developing Friendships
Discovering Stories
Discerning Next Steps
Develop Friendships
The longer we walk with Christ, the more isolated and insulated we become from the world we are called to reach. Jesus spent time with people far from Him.
Luke 15:1-2
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
Instead of openly accepting and embracing people who are far from God, the religious leaders ignored those who were not already “in” the circle. Jesus tells three parables, stories that have a meaning, to show that He cares about people far from Him. People who live in 3D constantly look for ways to Develop Friendships so they can discover stories.
Discover Stories
Discovering stories begins with taking the risk to engage with people far from God. Last week during a coffee break, I asked some questions that resulted in my hearing their story of two broken marriages, a death in his family, distrust and disinterest in church.
Discern Next Steps
Let the Holy Spirit lead where you go after you discover the stories of a person. If you are a follower of Jesus, there were people who discerned a next step to take in your life. They invited you to church, a small group or out for coffee to talk more.
I want you to think of the next steps that people took in your life that helped you to understand God’s grace…steps that led you to invite Christ into your life.
I want you to remember this week steps people took in your life as you pray and ask God for discernment and wisdom on next steps you must take if you follow Christ’s example in the lives of those around you.