A group of men from the church just spent three days ice fishing together and I recognized how people jump all in for recreation. The equipment available for going all in ice fishing is pretty extensive. Beyond the basic fishing pole and tackle are: portable fish houses, fish locators, underwater cameras, heaters, and wheel houses. Wheel houses should be named man houses. They are houses on wheels that can seclude a man from December until February equipped with bunks, fridge, stove, satellite TV, wi-fi, you name it - it can have it!
Jumping all in with extensive equipment brings success and satisfaction to the ice angler.
Jessie's question focused on our relationship to the Lord. How do we jump all in regarding our relationship with God our Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
Jessie shared seven steps:
1. Love God and love others - the greatest commands (Mt. 22:37-39)
2. Spend time knowing Him
3. Prayer (I thes 5:17)
4. Reading God's word, the Bible (Ps 119:11,105 Heb. 4:12)
5. Memorizing His words (Proverbs 6:20-23)
6. Listening and obeying Him (James 1:22)
7. Give ourselves completely to Him (Luke 14:33)
The success and satisfaction of jumping all in with God are:
1. A crown of righteousness (2 tim 4:8)
2. It leads to holiness – eternal life Rom 6:22
3. God forgives, heals, crowns us with love/compassion and satisfies our desires with good things - Psalm 103:2-5
4. God gives us favor and honor; "no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless” - Psalms 84:11
5. He will come near to you - James 4:8
The overflow of jumping all in and having a 100% God Centered Life allows us to give to all other areas:
Church ministry
Happy Jumping!