Thanksgiving is over, but Hanukkah is still going until December 5. Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication. It is an eight day Jewish celebration of the re-dedication of the temple (the second temple) in Jerusalem following the success of the Maccabean Revolt during the 2nd century. A container of oil kept sealed by the high Priest had enough oil to keep the menorah in the Temple lit for one day. The menorah miraculously remained lit for eight days, until new oil was pressed and ready.
Although, I do not celebrate Hanukkah, I do not doubt God’s ability to perform miracles. Just as Hanukkah holiday is still happening, God is still doing miracles today.
Psalms 55:19
God, who is enthroned from of old,
who does not change--
He will hear them and humble them,
because they have no fear of God.
Do you believe God still does miracles?
Comment here.