Graven images or idols seems to be quite low on list of sins that America, including myself, struggle to gain victory over.
Or is it?
Our view of God is imperfect. Our image of Him is created by stories told to us by our parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers or Sunday sermons. The images are created by word pictures, flannel graphs, illustrated Bibles, nature, dreams, and visions.
The picture we have of God may include a white beard, clouds, a throne, lambs, gentleness, wrath, soft eyes, angry eyes, or an expression of indifference. These images are based upon our experiences, theology, and understanding of what kind of being God is to us.
Each of our images is a reflection our biases. Our images of God have some aspects that are accurate and some that are flawed. To the extent that our image of God is flawed, we have a false image, a graven image, an idol.
How do we deconstruct our false images and see God as He truly is?
The disciple Thomas, could not let go of his image that Jesus died on the cross, was placed dead in the tomb and is now gone from the tomb, but cannot be alive. Jesus came to Him and changed His false image in that encounter. His false image was deconstructed and a clearer image of God caused Thomas to worship saying, “My Lord and my God!”.
The more time we spend with God the more clearly we see Him as He truly is in those encounters with God.
1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
What images come to your mind when you think about God and what influenced those images?
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