Five big lies that the devil tries to make us believe:
Big lie #1: He has as much or almost as much power and ability as God.
Truth is: He does not. The devil was created by God and will forever be subject to Him.
Big lie #2: He can read our minds.
Truth is: He cannot. The devil is not all-powerful, all-knowing or able to be everywhere at one time; only God is.
Big lie #3: Your sin is worse than other people.
Truth is: It is not. ALL have sinned and every sin separates us from God who is holy and pure.
Big lie #4: You get to heaven if you do more good things than bad things.
Truth is: You can never be perfect or holy like God by working. God did the work through the death of His Son Jesus. Your salvation is a gift from God.
Big lie #5: You have sinned and asked to be forgiven too many times; God is done forgiving you.
Truth is: He is not. When you trusted Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, He forgave all of your past sins, all your present sins, and all your future sins.
Jesus told those who believed in Him that the truth would free them from the lies of the devil.
John 8:31-32
To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
What big lie is harder for you to treat as false?