Baumgartner will ride a special helium balloon 120,000 feet up and jump out wearing a space suit, helmet and parachute.It will take him two and a half hours to reach that altitude and ten minutes to return safely to earth. Because the air is so thin at that altitude (which by the way is three times higher than commercial airlines fly) he should reach speeds of 690mph after 40 seconds of free-falling, the speed of sound at that altitude.
Others who have attempted to break the existing records for the highest, fastest and longest free-falls have lost their lives in the process.Nobody knows what happens to the human body that breaks the speed of sound unassisted by any mechanical frame or vehicle. The term scientists use of their concern is that Baumgartner would be "destabilized" by shockwaves passing over his body, and that these might throw him into an uncontrolled spin.
"If something goes wrong, the only thing that might help you is God," says Baumgartner. "Because if you run out of luck, if you run out of skills, there is nothing left and you have to really hope he is not going to let you down."
Baumgartner is utilizing and putting his life in the hands of the most current technology available. Hopefully, it will not let him down. We have a certainty that God is not going to let Felix Baumgartner down. Even though you and I are not stepping out of a capsule at 23 miles, God will not let us down in our lives either.
Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”