At our church, first-time guests are encouraged to fill out their guest card and put that in the offering basket when it comes around. Most of the time, we share a couple announcements and take the offering. Simple as that.
Howard Dayton, financial author and founder of Crown Ministries, a financial training ministry, has counted about 500 verses in the Bible on prayer and over 2,350 verses on how to handle money and possessions. Why is there so much written in the Bible about money?
Follow the money and you discover a persons affections. Jesus said a lot about money because He knew how much we would struggle with it as a competitor for our affections.
Should we change and make a bigger deal about money on Sunday morning? Not in the ways mentioned earlier. The big deal that should be made is celebrating how the money was used over the past week or month. It purchased supplies that gave our children ministry leaders tools to successfully teach children about Jesus. It helped a person through some emergency expenses. It was put in the bank to accumulate for remodeling so more people can come on Sundays. It paid the utility bills so we have electricity, heat, and water. It was sent overseas to support a child in a third world country.
I think all of us would like to hear that kind of talk about money!
2 Corinthians 8:7 NIV
But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.