Stores offer these candies shortly after the new year leading up to Valentine's Day. The bowl in my office is leftovers from a Couple's Valentine's night out with couple's from our church.
We went bowling and ate at a Mexican restaurant. Going with the Mexican theme, anyone who had a gutter ball had to wear a sombrero until someone else on their team threw a gutter ball. We had romantic prizes if you threw a strike. The teams were selected so couple's were together, so when the prizes were exhausted and a strike was thrown, the person's partner came out to lane and either kissed or bowed to their feet according to the choice of the person who threw the strike.
What a riot!
Our community paper highlighted a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. They shared secrets to a lasting marriage. During our Mexican supper, couples made romantic phrases with the heart candies and on a 3x5 card wrote their own secrets to a lasting relationship.
- Keep finding new things to go out and do together.
- Nothing diffuses anger faster than humor. Laugh lots!
- Stick together during crucial moments, yet fight over the remote whenever necessary.
- Don't go to bed mad. Don't throw garbage in his garage.
- Talk things through. Don't think they know what you are thinking or want.
- Be nice to each other, even when you don't want to be.
- Be a team: Love together, Forgive together, Pray together, Laugh together.
- Listen a lot, talk a little, love a lot.
- Compromise.
- Don't let the past make today.
- Never go to bed mad.
- Remember why you fell in love. See them through the eyes of Jesus. Grace & Mercy. Say, "I'm sorry" and mean it. Laugh.
- Communicate. Compromise. Don't go to bed mad.
- Learn how to keep your spouses "love tank" full, then you will benefit from overflow.
- Never leave without a kiss.
- Always encourage.
Great tips!
1Cornthians 13:4-8a,13
8 Love never fails.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.